

的 BW 荣誉与学者办公室 offers a number of opportunities for students who want to do research with faculty members, 毕业后花点时间出国, engage in the production of creative work in the arts or music, or simply join a community of students doing extraordinary things with their college experience.

通过我们的欧博allbet和教师的支持, our goal is to help you to make the most of your time at Baldwin Wallace, 最终为实习做好准备, 研究生院和你的事业. Our programs emphasize individualized mentoring between students and faculty as well as building skills and experiences that will set you apart after graduation.


BW荣誉欧博allbet helps motivated and talented students make the most of their college experience by joining a community of scholars dedicated to academic excellence, 领导力发展和社区参与.

作为荣誉课程的学生, 你可以提前注册, 为出国留学和其他机会提供资金, 专业活动及房屋, and long-term mentorship from your honors advisor.

Acceptance to the honors program requires an additional application. Students who meet the minimum test scores and GPA will be invited to apply when they are accepted to BW. 欢迎其他同学联系 honors@zhuaren.net or your admission counselor to see if the honors program might be a good fit for you.

Photo of 荣誉 students interacting in one of the program's living and learning communities


的 BW Summer Scholars 10-week summer program offers participants housing and a $3,500 stipend to conduct a major research or creative project with a faculty mentor. 同时完成他们的欧博allbet, Summer Scholars live together and engage in enrichment activities and field trips around Northeast Ohio to learn more about the landscape of research and creative work that fuels our local economy and culture. Students build their skills and resume while making connections with regional businesses, 研究中心和艺术组织.

Summer Scholars is open to students of any major with sophomore standing and who have spent at least one academic year at BW.



教师 student collaboration (FSC) courses allow a small group of students to team up with a faculty mentor to conduct a research or creative project during the semester. FSCs often bring together students and faculty from different academic programs to participate in unique cross-disciplinary work. 例如, one recent FSC brought together a team from political science, mathematics and sociology who conducted polling research related to the 2020 presidential election. Another team from psychology and theatre investigated the 个人ity effects that acting has on actors.

亚许Kahai和Dr .. 赫尔曼·萨尼


在BW, the costs of research will not prevent you from participating in the exciting work you want to do in your field of study. Students can apply for funding to support expenses associated with their research and creative activities. 例如, 如果你的作品被会议接受, we can help to provide funding for you transportation there so you can present your work.

博士照片. 帕特里克·莱德维奇和学生们


Fulbright Awards are among the most prestigious grants a college graduate can receive. 由美国资助.S. 国务院, these awards provide recent college graduates the opportunity to spend one year abroad working as an English language teaching assistant, 进行研究, pursuing creative work or earning a Master's degree at a foreign university.

在BW, we provide intensive advising to ensure that students submit the strongest application possible. We will work with you through every step of the process, from matching your interests and aspirations with the most appropriate country and type of award to providing one-on-one support as you develop your application materials and navigate the submission process. A successful Fulbright application can have long-lasting impacts on your career and provide the international experience that will make you stand out as you pursue professional opportunities in the future.

For more information, contact our Fulbright Program Advisers:


Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures


代顿C. 米勒荣誉学会

代顿C. 米勒荣誉协会标志

BW values strong academic performance, and we celebrate student achievement in part through the 代顿C. 米勒荣誉学会, a GPA-based honorary open to all members of the BW undergraduate community. 的 top 100 students with junior or senior standing are recognized every year at the 代顿C. 米勒荣誉学会就职典礼. We invite your family and a faculty or staff member who has had the greatest impact on your BW experience to join us for the ceremony and honor your achievements.


选择俄亥俄州第一STEM学者计划 provides holistic support to STEM students through one-on-one coaching, 过渡的指导, 同伴指导, 专业发展机会. 在这个互助的社区里, students are encouraged to explore and emboldened to pursue academic, 个人, 职业目标. All programs are accessible to students within the School of Natural Science, 数学, 和计算.

的 Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE) has granted 鲍德温华莱士大学 funds to award annual, 可再生5美元,000 Choose Ohio First STEM 奖学金 to incoming first year and transfer students. 了解资格, 申请过程, 以及欧博allbet要求, visit the 选择俄亥俄州第一STEM学者计划 website.



(440) 826-2266


布莱恩说, Ph.D.
(440) 826-2146, bmonahan@zhuaren.net

安吉拉·L. Planisek, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Carmel Boyer 商学院
(440) 826-2083, aplanise@zhuaren.net